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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Where the Wilde Things Are

Hey kids. You'll remember about two weeks ago, I put out a contest where I wanted folks to answer a couple of questions for a copy of the Maple Street Press Bulldogs Kickoff 2011. Within that small set of questions was a request for folks to name their best choice for a new Site Girl for the blog. 

You're welcome.

I'd say it was a close race, but it wasn't. Apparently Ms. Olivia Wilde is quite popular with the men and women folk alike. As Kerri described her, "I'm a girl, I'm married (to a man) but that is hotness right there." 

To give you guys some background on Olivia (she's the Site Girl so we're moving to a first-name basis), here are a few facts:
  • She has duel citizenship in the US and Ireland.
  • Her parents have hung out with Mick Jagger.
  • She's very charitable, as you can find out through her work with Artists for Peace and Justice, which supports communities in Haiti. 
  • She's a total liberal, which usually wouldn't fly here, but she's educated about her opinions. Meaning she's not liberal because it's the cool thing to do. She's convicted. Convicted is sexy. (However, CONVICTS are not sexy, FYI.)
  • She's most widely known as "Thirteen" on House, but this blog has been a fan of hers since she was "Club Girl" on The O.C. We called her Club Girl because we really didn't care what her name was, but it was Alex, for what it's worth.
  • She is a bit of an internet legend for being this geeky, hipster hottie with a good sense of humor. 
  • She loves independent music, although she thinks that the artists she likes were much better before you heard of them.
  • Finally, she has no college affiliation that I could find, so the campaign begins now to turn her into a Dawg fan. 
So there you have it. Although Olivia essentially won in a landslide, I would like to extend an honorable mention to "Pippa's Butt." The PB was also suggested by Kerri, who was very much on her game for recommending choices for Site Girls. Other suggestions by contestants were for Mila Kunis, Natalie Portman, Jessica Alba and Emmanuel Chriqui (Sloan from Entourage). 

Finally, I'd like to give a special sendoff to Keira Knightley. She's been a fantastic Site Girl since the original site began and our love for her is immense. She'll always be our first and they can't take that away from us.

You're welcome. Again.

Until next time kids.

Be safe.

1 comment:

  1. I didnt know there was a vote going on, but it wouldnt have mattered. I SOOO vote for miss wilde. I LOVE HER!!!
